Montgomery Academy is proud to work with national organisations such as the Diana Award to show our students the importance of looking after each other in our school family.

Our team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are supported by dedicated staff to ensure that Montgomery Academy is a zero tolerance environment. They work closely with staff and take ownership of the restorative practices in school.

Montgomery is a welcoming and happy school and we celebrate individuality and diversity.

Montgomery Academy Anti-Bullying - Student & Parent Guidance

The Anti-Bullying policy can be found by visiting the dedicated policies page HERE.

If you have any information or concerns about bullying please let us know by:

   ← Clicking Here to report bullying to the Pastoral Manager for the year group.

    01253 356271

    Speak to someone at school or home

    Contact the LGBT Stonewall Champions in S4

                  Contact the School Anti Bullying Ambassadors in T1 or the Anti Bullying Hub, For more information see Mr. Connolly, School Improvement Director FCAT


Anti Bullying at Montgomery

Updated: 06/05/2024 508 KB
Updated: 10/12/2019 305 KB
Updated: 10/12/2019 183 KB
Updated: 12/01/2021 3.57 MB

Useful website links:

Montgomery Academy operates a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to bullying and we work closely with students, families and external agencies to safeguard and protect all students and staff.